Pierrot Hands Earrings
Pierrot Hands EarringsPierrot Hands EarringsPierrot Hands EarringsPierrot Hands EarringsPierrot Hands EarringsPierrot Hands Earrings

KK Wearable Sculpture


Very lightweight French wire earrings. Sterling silver.

The hands themselves measure .83”x.47”x.3”. 

One hand blackened with silver trim, one silver with blackened trim.

I liked the hands and I liked the cuffs so I put them together. Pierrot just gave me an excuse.

There is also a single earring available, which is the black hand with the silver trim.

Modeled on a computer using Zbrush, 3D printed, molded and cast in silver, then finished with a liver of sulfur patina.

These are ready to ship.
Shipping and insurance are included in the price.