KK Wearable Sculpture
About The Artist
Kathleen King • Brooklyn, NY
I didn’t think about making art, I just made things. It wasn’t until university that I focused on art as something to do. My feeling was that my discipline hadn’t been invented yet, which was partially true. Much later, during an online photo scanning class, I had my epiphany. I decided to finish a scan of a tree as a small object to see what it looked like. When I got it back and held it in my hand, I knew I wanted to design small objects on a computer and make them in metal. A total surprise.
Q&A with the ArtistTell us how your work is made.My work begins with a question, an intuition or a gemstone. Almost all of my designing is done on a computer. I print scads of variations just to see what they look like. It’s a back and forth between formless and form. All my pieces are personal explorations. I only make what I like or am interested in. The pieces are finished when they say something. When they reach this point, I prep them for their final print and casting |