Prism Vessel
Prism VesselPrism VesselPrism VesselPrism VesselPrism Vessel

Sally Prangley


The idea behind this vessel is what color emanating from a crystal prism looks like when captured and shaped into a solid, 3-dimensional form. The Prism Vessel is made from a variety of papers, built up and out, one side at a time. There are open parts on several of the sides that I call “windows.” Some of these windows have annealed steel wire across their frames, others are completely open. The interior base has multiple levels. The colors of the rainbow are used in progression, starting with yellows transitioning to oranges, reds, pinks, purples, blues, and then greens. The interior walls have the same colors as their external counterparts. As you can see from the photos, the Prism Vessel looks different from every direction— yet there is a “balanced asymmetry” to it. Because of the way they are made, no two Prism Vessels are alike. The vessel is sealed for use.

8"h x 11"d

Annealed steel wire, mat board, papers450.00