Protectors of Truth - Decorative Mirror
Protectors of Truth - Decorative MirrorProtectors of Truth - Decorative MirrorProtectors of Truth - Decorative MirrorProtectors of Truth - Decorative MirrorProtectors of Truth - Decorative Mirror

Healing Mosaics by Shelley Beaumont

30" Diameter

This mirror represents protection of one's voice and grounding. 

Labradorite: Imparts strength, balances and protects one's aura, and radiates energy.

Lapis Lazuli: Helps one overcome depression, reveals deep inner truths, and encourages self-expression.

Red Jasper: A bit of red for centering and to balance the blue. A protective stone that helps in grounding energy and helps with problem solving.

Moonstone: A fantastic stone for inner growth and strength, it enhances intuition and inspiration.

White Gold: Gold in all forms is a primary healer. I chose white 24kt gold to represent our inner light.

Copper: My favorite conduit for happy energy. Using copper activates and amplifies the energies of the stones around it.