
Karen Wallace

Land and sea meet and mingle, bright springy greens swirling with oceanic blue. Thin wafers of paler blue float above, casting a shadow onto the sea floor. Like a drift of anemones, a gathering of cylinders of hand-pulled cane divides the watery quadrants.
  • 15" diameter, 3" tall

The glass cylinders in this bowl are sections individually cut from hand-pulled glass cane, which I create by heating glass to 1500 degrees and pulling it into rods while molten in a modern-day adaptation of the 16th century techniques of the Murano glassmakers.

Hundreds of them are placed by hand onto a ceramic surface, standing together in a tight formation, and heated until they soften and puddle together to form a slab.

Fused, cold worked and slumped with a gentle rise in the middle.