Rachael DePasquale Jewelry

Rachael DePasquale Jewelry

About The Artist

Rachael DePasquale • San Francisco, CA

I am a self taught jewelry designer whose love for metalsmithing translated into a variety of learning opportunities including several courses and a yearlong internship with a jewelry designer in NYC. I take pride in meticulously crafted jewelry that is delicate, yet powerful in meaning. My pieces are the realization of an intimate experience to be cherished by the wearer.  I strive to incorporate sustainability into all levels of my work considering environmental, economic and social impact.


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Q&A with the Artist

Tell us how your work is made.

I use a couple of different methods to create my jewelry - one is from hand carving wax and subsequent casting in metal. The second is to use CAD to create more complex designs and subsequent casting in metal. Depending on the complexity, under my direction, I will have a stone setter set more complex settings and/or an assistant finish complex pieces.

What makes you passionate about the medium you work with?

I love being able to sand, hammer and cut, to transform and to present unique pieces of jewelry that leave my friends, family and customers elated. I strive to incorporate sustainability into all levels of my business, considering the key dimensions of environmental, economic and social impact. I partner with businesses who, as a standard, use recycled metals, practice ethical sourcing and pay their employees living wages.

What is something unique about you or your practice?

My passion for jewelry design has stayed strong even as I maintain a career in the pharmaceutical industry. I balance creating with a full time job and raising a toddler!


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